



What is the dominant relationship between people and technology?

How will users be able to make free will decisions when future technology dominates human identity and behavior?


The context

Voithos is a smart house system that was released in 2030 which aim to provide all-around daily care at home for the users such as automated purchases online (based on our needs), music recommendations, adjust lighting atmosphere, giving suggestions,security, temperature control, provide company (will tell stories), and conversate, etc. based on user’s conditions. Voithos in Greek, which means assistant ( the home assistant of users). After 22 years, the system has greatly evolve by learning the emotional, psychological and physical needs of people. Thus gained the abilities to create and make decisions that will satisfy the physical, psychological and emotional state of people. To ensure the safety of the data, government has implemented military grade firewall security in their servers. In the context of 2052, the interventions of Voithos system to personal life has beyond the daily controllable range for users.

In the systems of Voithos, personally preference has been detected. The elements that users prefer and reject will be marked by the user's visual alias and analysis these factors.

Voithos’ Timeline

Design concept - Aspida 2052

Voithos is not a system that operates from a local server (home server) but from a shared servers that is protected by the government to ensure national security of its population, therefore it is impossible for homeowners to permanently remove the Voithos System from their own home.

The Aspida device, which defends the citizens’ rights, to allow themselves to control the system; the type of data it collects, and shield them from continuous recording. Aspida in greek, which means shield ( the protector of user's privacy).

The Aspida device is simple and efficient to use, when the user does not need Voithos to intervene, simply attach the device to the back of the neck and the user can appear invisible under Voithos surveillance

Physical prototype
